Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment- 500 ml

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment is an additive designed to kill any diesel bug in your fuel tank or pre-filter. This will convert any live bug into fine sediment. The litre bottle is ideal for boats with medium-sized fuel tanks up to 500 litres.
You Pay: £56.00

All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Diesel bug treatment is a one-time diesel bug killer, that will kill diesel bugs within a fuel tank.  A 500 ml bottle will treat up to 500- 1000 litres of diesel bug. The system cannot be overdosed when using Marine 16 Diesel Treatment. 

Marine 16 diesel bug treatment will kill any diesel bug living on the sides of your fuel tank and in the fuel pipework.

  • Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment kills the growth of diesel bugs, in a fuel tank.
  • A 500ml bottle of diesel bug treatment is sufficient to prevent diesel bug growth in 500- 1000 litres of fuel 
  • For serious contamination, treatment should be increased from 50ml to 100ml to 100 litres
  • Marine 16’s Diesel Bug Treatment is the fuel treatment of choice for the RNLI and Royal Marines
  • Disperses into both the water and fuel phases in your tank and will remain sufficiently active for over a year at both high and low temperatures

The dosage of Marine diesel bug treatment is 50ml per 100 litres for slight contamination or 100 mills per 100 litres of fuel, for heavily contaminated fuel. You cannot overdose and damage your engine using the Marine 16 diesel bug treatment.

A 10-micron pre-filter will filter any sediment drawn into the fuel filter and spares carried on board to change if blocked.

Diesel fuel has a shelf life of 3 months. During the winter, diesel tanks should be left as empty as possible, as modern diesel is not stable after about 3 months of storage. 

Once treated, use Marine 16 complete on every subsequent fill of new fuel.

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