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Marine 16 diesel bug and petrol treatments

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Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatments- modern diesel has a 3-month shelf life. Make sure you treat your fuel.

Diesel in the UK, either red or white, contains a high percentage of Biodiesel. Bio-diesel fuel causes two significant issues that can stop any marine diesel. We now see an alarming increase in diesel bugs that clog up pref-filters, leaving significant sludge in the fuel tank of most boats. Today we also see diesel separating into its constituent parts after being stored for about 3 months. This leads to injector failure and wear in the bores of any diesel engine.

How to manage your fuel and fuel tank.

  • All diesel should be treated with a diesel fuel bug preventative treatment that can cope with new Bio-diesel such as Marine 16 Complete
  • Fuel tanks should also be treated with a bug killer such as Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment, first if you have evidence of diesel bug being present
  • An injector cleaner should be used periodically such as Marine 16 Diesel Injector cleaner
  • Tanks should be left empty during any prolonged storage period
  • Diagnostic equipment from Volvo Penta and Yanmar should be used yearly to check injector performance.
  • We are available to discuss any issue that you may have with your yacht or motorboat diesel engine and treating with Bug Killer
  • We recommend Marine 16 products as, the main agents for Volvo Penta and Yanmar
Modern diesel has about a 3-month shelf life.  If you see black specks or black sludge in your pre-filter, it may be a live or dead bug or tar due to the diesel starting to separate.  Dead bug deposits will wipe off easily, whilst tar deposits may leave an oily deposit. 
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Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner sizes

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner- 500 ml


All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner is a single-dosage product that removes harmful deposits from diesel engines' fuel pumps and injectors. Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner cleans fuel line and injector deposits providing a cleaner and easier starting. This size bottle will treat up to 500 litres of fuel when cleaning injectors.

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner range

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner- 100 ml


All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner is a single-dosage product that removes harmful deposits from diesel engines' fuel pumps and injectors. Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner cleans fuel line and injector deposits providing a cleaner and easier starting. This size bottle will treat up to 100 litres of fuel and is ideal for small and mid-sized yachts and motorboats.

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