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Diesel Bug Treatment

Picture for category TYPE-Express Lube - Fuel Doctor

Marine 16- complete range and Express Lube fuel treatment. 

Diesel bug and diesel fuel separation is a serious problem for diesel marine engines, with the increased use of biodiesel in fuel. Diesel contamination can be an expensive and dangerous problem, causing a serious loss of power and often the complete failure of the diesel fuel supply, injectors and engine.

To solve this problem, we recommend the Marine 16 range of products or Fuel Doctor as a diesel bug preventative.

If a fuel bug additive is not added to your marine diesel tank, you risk needing specialist remedial work such as removing the fuel tank for cleaning, creating new fuel lines and filters, and disposing of the diesel. Fuel Doctor will reduce the free water and kill the diesel bug, reducing it to a microscopic particle, and allowing the contamination to pass through the engine without harming your fuel filter. Fuel Doctor then disperses clumps of dead bugs converting them into fine sandy sediment, significantly reducing the chances of clogged filters and clean-up time in the aftermath of fungal infestation. Regular dosing protects against this annoying, costly problem.

Marine 16 is a premium range of products formulated to treat modern high-percentage bio-diesel in smaller and larger marine diesel engines. Marine 16 comprises a diesel bug-killer product called Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment, an ongoing additive called Marine 16 Complete which should be added each time you fill and a diesel injector cleaner that should be used periodically to clean injectors to prevent damage and failure of the injector system.

Modern diesel has a shelf life of 3 months. We are seeing increased cases where diesel separates into its constituent parts, causing injectors to fail and engines to refuse to start. Only fill your tank with enough fuel to last and leave your tank empty or near empty during the winter. 


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Expresslube Fuel Doctor Diesel Bug Treatment 0.5 litre

Expresslube Fuel Doctor Diesel Bug Treatment 0.5 litre


All prices in the UK include VAT

Diesel Bug treatment for yachts and motorboats to prevent diesel bug in a fuel tank

Diesel Bug treatment, 1 litre bottle

Expresslube Fuel Doctor Diesel Bug Treatment, 1 litre


All prices in the UK include VAT

Diesel Bug can be an expensive and dangerous problem. Prevent diesel bug by using Fuel Doctor diesel bug treatment.

Marine 16 Complete, 100 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre from FYB Marine

Marine 16 Complete- 500 mill


All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Complete is a diesel bug preventative treatment that should be used whenever you fill your yacht or motorboat with diesel to prevent diesel bug growth. The dosing rate is 100 mills per 100 litres. 500 mills of Marine 16 Complete will treat 500 litres.

Marine 16 Complete- 1 litre

Marine 16 Complete- 1 litre


All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Complete is a diesel bug preventative treatment that should be used whenever you fill your yacht or motorboat with diesel to prevent diesel bug growth. One litre of Marine 16 Complete will treat 1000 litre of fuel.

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment- 100 ml

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment- 100 ml


All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment is an additive designed to kill any diesel bug in your fuel tank or pre-filter. Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment converts any live bug into fine sediment. The litre bottle is ideal for boats with smaller fuel tanks up to 100 litres.

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment- 100 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment- 500 ml


All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment is an additive designed to kill any diesel bug in your fuel tank or pre-filter. This will convert any live bug into fine sediment. The litre bottle is ideal for boats with medium-sized fuel tanks up to 500 litres.

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment- 1 litre

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment- 1 litre


All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment is an additive designed to kill any diesel bug in your fuel tank or pre-filter. This will convert any live bug into fine sediment. The litre bottle is ideal for boats with larger fuel tanks.

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner- 100 ml

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner- 100 ml


All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner is a single-dosage product that removes harmful deposits from diesel engines' fuel pumps and injectors. Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner cleans fuel line and injector deposits providing a cleaner and easier starting. This size bottle will treat up to 100 litres of fuel and is ideal for small and mid-sized yachts and motorboats.

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner- 500 ml

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner- 500 ml


All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner is a single-dosage product that removes harmful deposits from diesel engines' fuel pumps and injectors. Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner cleans fuel line and injector deposits providing a cleaner and easier starting. This size bottle will treat up to 500 litres of fuel when cleaning injectors.

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner- 1 litre

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner- 1 litre


All prices in the UK include VAT

Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner is a single-dosage product that removes harmful deposits from diesel engines' fuel pumps and injectors. Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner cleans fuel line and injector deposits providing a cleaner and easier starting. Marine 16 Diesel Injector Cleaner- 1 litre is ideal for a tank of 1000 litres of diesel.

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