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Volvo Penta Outdrive Service Kits

Picture for category TYPE-Volvo Penta Outdrive Service Kits

Volvo Penta supply do it yourself kits for boat owners who want to do the simple maintenance work on their Outdrive system. Each of our Volvo Penta genuine Sterndrive kits contains zinc anodes, drive bellows and all parts required for an annual Volvo Penta drive service. The exhaust bellow can be purchased from us separately.

These Volvo Penta drive Kits contain the drive bellow and genuine Anodes for the corresponding Outdrive.

Always use genuine Volvo Penta anodes to ensure maximum protection on Sterndrives. If you are unsure as to the exact part for your Volvo Penta Sterndrive or have a technical question, please call us before ordering. If you cannot find a serial number for your Sterndrive, why not photograph it and send it to us?

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Volvo Penta Aluminium drive service kit for 290A, SP-A, SP-A1, SP-A2 Sterndrive, Part Number 24075023

Volvo Penta Aluminium drive service kit for 290A, SP-A, SP-A1, SP-A2 Sterndrive, Part Number 24075023


Retail Price: £192.00

All prices in the UK include VAT

The 290A, SP-A, SP-A1, SP-A2 Sterndrive service kit contains the Aluminium drive and transom anodes, the UJ drive gaiter and jubilee clips required for an annual drive service. Please note the exhaust gaiter is not included in this kit

Volvo Penta drive service kit for 290DP, DP-A, DP-B Sterndrive, Part Number 24075024

Volvo Penta Aluminium drive service kit for 290DP, DP-A, DP-B Sterndrive, Part Number 24075024


Retail Price: £181.20

All prices in the UK include VAT

The 290DP, DP-A, DP-B Sterndrive service kit contains the zinc drive and transom anodes, the UJ drive gaiter and jubilee clips required for an annual drive service. Please note the exhaust bellows are not included in this kit.

Volvo Penta Aluminium drive service kit for DP-C, DP-D, DP-E Sterndrive, Part Number 24075026

Volvo Penta Aluminium drive service kit for DP-C, DP-D, DP-E Sterndrive, Part Number 24075026


Retail Price: £176.40

All prices in the UK include VAT

The DP-C, DP-D, and DP-E Sterndrive service kit contains the Aluminium drive and transom anodes, the UJ drive gaiter and jubilee clips required for an annual drive service. Please note the exhaust gaiter is not included in this kit

Volvo Penta Drive Service kit for DPG Sterndrive, Part Number 23307656

Volvo Penta Aluminium drive service kit for DPG Sterndrive, Part Number 23307656


Retail Price: £177.60

All prices in the UK include VAT

The new DPG Sterndrive service kit contains the Aluminium drive and transom anodes, the UJ drive gaiter and jubilee clips required for an annual drive service. Please note the exhaust gaiter bellow 3860384 is not included in this kit.

Volvo Penta Drive Service kit for DPH, DPR Sterndrive, Part Number 23307655

Volvo Penta Aluminium drive service kit for DPH, DPR Sterndrive, Part Number 23307655


Retail Price: £219.60

All prices in the UK include VAT

The new DPH, DPR Sterndrive service kit contains the Aluminium drive and transom anodes, the UJ drive gaiter and jubilee clips required for an annual drive service. Please note the exhaust bellow 3588753 is not included in this kit.

Volvo Penta aluminium drive service kit for the DP-SM Sterndrive, Part Number 24075025

Volvo Penta aluminium drive service kit for the DP-SM Sterndrive, Part Number 24075025


Retail Price: £274.80

All prices in the UK include VAT

The DP-SM Sterndrive service kits contain the aluminium drive and the smiley face type transom anodes, the UJ drive gaiter and jubilee clips required for an annual drive service. Please note the exhaust gaiter is not included in this kit.

3586461 smiley face anode for DP-SM

Volvo Penta aluminium drive service kit for the SX Pree 2007 Sterndrive, Part Number 24075025


Retail Price: £274.80

All prices in the UK include VAT

The SX Pre 2007 Sterndrive service kits contain the zinc drive and the smiley face type transom anodes, the UJ drive gaiter and jubilee clips required for an annual drive service. Please note the exhaust gaiter is not included in this kit

DPH/ DPI and DPR propeller removal tool, Part Number 23161623

Volvo Penta DPH, DPI and DPR propeller removal tool, Part Number 23161623


All prices in the UK include VAT

DPH, DPI and DPR inner prop removal tool for all DP-H and DPR outdrives, including DPH, DPH-A, DPH-B, DPH-C, DPH-D, DPH-D1, DPH-BP, DPR, DPI-A

DPX propeller removal tool, Part Number 885195

Volvo Penta DPX Propeller Removal Tool, Part Number 885195


All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta propeller removal tool for DPX outdrives

Volvo Penta propeller removal tool for all DPS-A, DPS-B, DP-SM Outdrives.

Volvo Penta DPS, DP-SM propeller removal tool, Part Number 3855516


Retail Price: £34.00

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta propeller removal tool for all DPS-A, DPS-B and DP-SM Outdrives.

Volvo Penta DP-E, 290 DP Propeller Removal Tool, Part Number 873058

Volvo Penta DP propeller removal tool, Part Number 873058


All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta DP propeller removal tool. This prop wrench removes the forward nut design shown beneath on A, B, C and J Duo-Prop Sterndrives with M-20 threads. This special tool helps you remove the forward propeller nut.

Volvo Penta 280DP, 290DP propeller removal tool, Part Number 885127

Volvo Penta 280 DP, 290 DP propeller removal tool, Part Number 885127


Retail Price: £18.00

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta 280 DP, 290 DP Sterndrive Duoprop propeller removal tool, Part Number 885127

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