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Volvo Penta propeller removal tool for all DPS-A, DPS-B and DP-SM Outdrives.
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DPH, DPI and DPR inner prop removal tool for all DP-H and DPR outdrives, including DPH, DPH-A, DPH-B, DPH-C, DPH-D, DPH-D1, DPH-BP, DPR, DPI-A
All prices in the UK include VAT
Volvo Penta propeller removal tool for DPX outdrives
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Water-cooled silencer and 100mm exhaust line exhaust box with horizontal exhaust exit suitable for installations with limited height.
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Water-cooled silencer and exhaust line exhaust box with horizontal exhaust exit suitable for installations with limited height.
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Water-cooled silencer and exhaust line exhaust box, Part Number 828064
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Water-cooled silencer and exhaust line exhaust box, Part Number 838327
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Water-cooled silencer and exhaust line exhaust box, Part Number 842768
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Do you have a faulty Volvo Penta MDI unit? This is the latest genuine design Volvo Penta MDI unit for D1 and D2 compact diesel engines. If your D series starts but won't stop, won't start, cuts out underway, or shows signs of fuel starvation or symptoms similar to an air leak in the fuel system, then the MDI may be the issue.
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Safety Lanyard
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Genuine expansion tank pressure cap complete with an inner seal for all D series diesel engines and some D4 and D6 diesel engines.
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As a guide, this 80 amp/hr battery is suitable for twin-cylinder diesel engines up to approximately 20 hp and outboards up to 90 hp.