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Saildrive hub and shaft anodes

Picture for category TYPE-Volvo Penta Saildrive And Prop Anodes

We stock and distribute Volvo Penta shaft anodes and Saildrive ring anodes for all Volvo Penta Saildrives, including 110S, 120S. 120S-E, 130S and 150S. We also supply folding prop hub anodes and cut anodes for Ambassador rope cutters. These are installed from the factory on all Volvo Penta Saildrive systems. Never fit a non-genuine anode to your Saildrive. Volvo Penta anodes and made to exact specifications to protect the Saildrive from corrosion.

A Volvo Penta Saildrive should be inspected as often as possible, especially if the boat is in a marine environment with lots of shore power around. If the anode is worn by more than a third, it will need to be changed, due to its surface area being reduced.

If you need any other part for a Saildrive, please call 01326 370060


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Volvo Penta Magnesium Anode Kit for 4 Blade Folding Hub, Part Number 3584443

Volvo Penta Magnesium Anode Kit for 4 Blade Folding Hub, Part Number 3584443


Retail Price: £54.36

All prices in the UK include VAT

Magnesium Anode set for a 4 bladed folding prop fitted to a Saildrive or Shaft

Volvo Penta 25mm M16 Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 873411

Volvo Penta 25mm M16 Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 873411


Retail Price: £43.44

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta Zinc cone anode for a 25mm propeller shaft (M16)

Volvo Penta 30mm Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 833913

Volvo Penta 30mm Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 833913


Retail Price: £35.52

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta Cone Anode for 30mm propeller shaft using a 3/4inch UNC thread. Imperial thread for older prop shafts

Volvo Penta 30mm M20 Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 873412

Volvo Penta 30mm M20 Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 873412


Retail Price: £43.44

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta shaft anode. This is for a 30mm shaft using an M20 nut.

Volvo Penta 35mm Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 833915

Volvo Penta 35mm Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 833915


Retail Price: £43.44

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta Cone Anode for 35mm propeller shaft using a 7/8 UNC imperial threaded shaft

Volvo Penta 35 and 40mm, M24 Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 873413

Volvo Penta 35 and 40mm, M24 Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 873413


Retail Price: £51.12

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta Cone Anode for 35 and 40mm propeller shaft using an M24 thread

Volvo Penta 40 and 45mm Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 828140

Volvo Penta 40 and 45mm Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 828140


Retail Price: £49.80

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta Cone Anode for 40 and 45mm, 1-3/8" propeller shafts (1" thread)

Volvo Penta 45mm M30 Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 873415

Volvo Penta 45mm M30 Prop Shaft Cone Anode, Part Number 873415


Retail Price: £52.68

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta Cone Anode for 45mm propeller shaft using an M30 metric thread on the end of the shaft.

HydroAxe replacement aluminium anode for a Volvo Penta 130 or 150 Saildrive

HydroAxe replacement aluminium anode for a Volvo Penta 130 or 150 Saildrive


All prices in the UK include VAT

HydroAxe replacement aluminium anode for a Volvo Penta 130 or 150 Saildrive.

HydroAxe replacement Zinc anode for a Volvo Penta 130 or 150 Saildrive

HydroAxe replacement Zinc anode for a Volvo Penta 130 or 150 Saildrive


All prices in the UK include VAT

HydroAxe replacement Zinc anode for a Volvo Penta 130 or 150 Saildrive.

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