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Volvo Penta Sterndrive Parts

Picture for category TYPE-Volvo Penta Outdrive Parts

Volvo Penta Sterndrives are a proven reliable drive system for motorboats of all sizes. The range includes 280 DP, 290 DP, DP-A, DP-B, DP-C, DP-D DP-E, DP-G, DP-R, DPS, DP-X, DP-SM, DPH, SX and the new DPI Sterndrives. The service and spares parts list includes sterndrive prop removal tools, anodes, drive and exhaust bellows, hoses, oils, shaft grease and shaft seals. Sterndrives use different types of gear oils, dependant on the sterndrive type. See the individual sterndrive sections or our downloads section for more information.

It is important to use genuine anodes on a Volvo Sterndrive. Volvo Penta anodes and made to exact specifications to protect the Sterndrive from corrosion. We have seen evidence of counterfeit anodes and this can lead to a total loss of the Sterndrive from corrosion.

Sterndrive propellers are available from us within this site. If you require technical help with any aspect of your sterndrive or propeller choice, please call us.

Volvo Penta Sterndrives should be serviced at the end of every season to ensure the oil is not emulsified, indicating that the shaft seals require changing. See our downloads section from the left-hand menu to download a list of oils for each Sterndrive type.

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2 products found.
Volvo Penta
Volvo Penta propeller shaft grease Part, Number 24663336

Volvo Penta propeller shaft grease 500g, Part, Number 24663336


Retail Price: £43.80

All prices in the UK include VAT

Propeller shaft grease for all saltwater applications in a 500-gram pot.

Volvo Penta
Volvo Penta Sterndrive oil capacity chart - PDF

Volvo Penta Sterndrive oil capacity chart - PDF


All prices in the UK include VAT

This chart will tell you the oil capacity and oil type to put into your Sterndrive.

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