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Volvo Penta Type H Stainless Duoprops for DPI and DPH drives

Picture for category TYPE-Volvo Penta Propellers

We stock the new Volvo Penta H-Type Duoprop sets for DPI and DPH drives. We also stock the prop removal tool, part number 23161623 for DPH/ DPI drives, and the cone kits, thrust rings, and propeller nut for a DPI.

Please note: if you are changing from G series to Type H series, a new cone kit will be required, part number 23000185. Sizing remains the same, ie a G5 propeller corresponds to a H5 propeller.

H series Duoprop props are made of stainless steel and are the latest design to cope with the power of a D4 or D6 Volvo Penta diesel. The Type-H is made with shock-absorbing rubber bushing and galvanic isolation protection matched specifically for the DPI and DPH drive.

If you need help in sizing your propeller, please call us first on 01326 370060 for advice.

We also sell a complete range of prop removal tools and can advise on which tool and transmission oil you need for each Sterndrive Aquamatic type.

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Volvo Penta DPH, DPI and DPR propeller removal tool, Part Number 23161623

Volvo Penta DPH, DPI and DPR propeller removal tool, Part Number 23161623


All prices in the UK include VAT

DPH, DPI and DPR inner prop removal tool for all DP-H and DPR outdrives, including DPH, DPH-A, DPH-B, DPH-C, DPH-D, DPH-D1, DPH-BP, DPR, DPI-A

Volvo Penta DPI, DPH replacemet cone kit, part number 23000185

Volvo Penta Cone kit for DPI/ DPH for H series propellers, Part Number 23000185


Retail Price: £78.60

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta Cone kit for a DPI or DPH drive when using H series propellers.

Volvo Penta DPI replacemet cone kit, part number 23000185

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H2" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754002


Retail Price: £2,455.20

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta DPI and DPH, H2 size Stainless steel Duoprop propeller set.

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H3" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754003

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H3" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754003


Retail Price: £2,455.20

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta DPI and DPH, H3 size Stainless steel Duoprop propeller set.

Volvo Penta DPI replacemet cone kit, part number 23000185

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H4" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754004


Retail Price: £2,455.20

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta DPI and DPH, H4 size Stainless steel Duoprop propeller set.

Volvo Penta DPI replacemet cone kit, part number 23000185

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H5" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754005


Retail Price: £2,455.20

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta DPI and DPH, H5 size Stainless steel Duoprop propeller set.

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H6" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754006

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H6" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754006


Retail Price: £2,455.20

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta DPI and DPH, H6 size Stainless steel Duoprop propeller set.

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H7" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754007

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H7" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754007


Retail Price: £2,455.20

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta DPI and DPH, H7 size Stainless steel Duoprop propeller set.

Volvo Penta DPI replacemet cone kit, part number 23000185

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H8" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754008


Retail Price: £2,455.20

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta DPI and DPH, H8 size Stainless steel Duoprop propeller set.

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H9" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754009

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H9" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754009


Retail Price: £2,455.20

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta DPI and DPH, H9 size Stainless steel Duoprop propeller set.

Volvo Penta DPI replacemet cone kit, part number 23000185

Volvo Penta DPI/ DPH, H Series "H10" Duoprop set, Part Number 22754010


Retail Price: £2,455.20

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta DPI and DPH, H10 size Stainless steel Duoprop propeller set.

Volvo Penta DP-H Rear prop lock nut, Part number 3863213

Volvo Penta DP-H Rear prop lock nut, Part number 3863213


Retail Price: £37.32

All prices in the UK include VAT

Volvo Penta rear propeller locking nut for a DPH sterndrive, part number 3863213.

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